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G'Day, Mate!! SSCA Celebrates 35 Years with Cairns, Australia

SSCA celebrated our 35th anniversary with Cairns, Australia at Scottsdale's McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park on Oct. 22. What a beautiful morning for a fun and extremely successful event! We had about 300 visitors--too many to count! The eighteen passenger Live Steamers train ran full all morning with lots of happy children. The "Diary of a Wombat" walkabout, the library's display table, the Scottsdale Artists' School drawing lessons for wombats and kangaroos, and the seed planting tables were all busy throughout the morning. Everyone learned more about Australia and sister cities, and left with a smile.

Many thanks to our three partners - Scottsdale Live Steamers, Scottsdale Public Library, and Scottsdale Artists' School. All three groups found it fun and worthwhile and want to partner again. Many thanks to our SSCA volunteers - George, Donna, Megan, Sandy, Lisa, and Julie, along with Junior Board member Sophia.

PS - If you ever run across a wombat, give it a carrot right away!! And read the "Diary of a Wombat" by Jackie French with your kids or grandkids.


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