“Wonderful” truly describes SSCA’s November 30 Theater Night, a fundraiser in support of the 2023 Killarney Student Golf Exchange. Thirty-eight supporters purchased tickets to the holiday classic “It’s a Wonderful Life” performed “in the round” at the intimate Don Bluth Front Row Theatre. But first, a Happy Hour at The Mick Brasserie helped everyone get in a “wonderful” mood.
Theater owner Don Bluth warmly welcomed our group which comprised over half of the audience that night, and introduced the current Arizona Irish Colleen, Lynn Cosgrove.
The Killarney Committee kicked off a Silent Art Auction, for which bidding will be available in-person at SSCA events and through SSCA’s website. Winning bidders will be announced at
an Irish Happy Hour on March 22.
JoAnn Garner, Killarney Committee Chair, highlighted SSCA’s 1st Annual Golf Scramble,
a fundraiser to be held on May 12, 2023 at Silverado Golf Course, Scottsdale. Information on signing up your foursome will be circulated soon.
And she said there was still time to sign up for the Member Trip to Killarney on June 7 - 12, 2023.
Many thanks to the “Greet and Seat” volunteers Barb Johnson, Paul Probst and Joan Jones.
All proceeds from these events will support the first sports-based student exchange to be held between our Sister Cities. Scottsdale students will visit Killarney in June, 2023, and Irish students will arrive in Scottsdale in late October, 2023.
Contact JoAnn Garner, joanngarner038@gmail.com, for details on any of these events.