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Travel the globe with local hosts who know you
Develop the next generation of global citizens
Provide meaningful support to communities in need
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Meet Dignitaries from Scottsdale’s Sister Cities

We would like to thank our 2024 Corporate, Diplomat and Patron Members!!
Sponsoring Partner:
City of Scottsdale
Neil and Sue Ciarfalia
George and Donna Hartz
Dara Himes
Experience Scottsdale
Janine and Claude Bobin
Frances Burruel
Nancy Burt
Diane Escalante
Heather Gala
JoAnn Garner
Kathy George
Martha Green
Jennifer Gustafson
Helen Hall
Lisa Hall
Tom Hulseman
Carolyn Landon
Leslie and Cesar Lariego
Ron and MaryBeth McCullagh
Roger and Cathie Nelson
Mike and Kathy Ostapuk
Linda and Craig Perl
Edward Ranger
Anthony Slawniak & Ewa Zaburda
Bob and Lisa White
Individual $50 / Family $60 / Student $20
Event Postcards, Newsletters, Email Updates
Two Member Receptions
Interaction with visiting Delegations
International Travel Opportunities
Patron $100
Individual / Family / Student membership benefits
Invitation to attend Sister City International Annual Conference
Preferred Event Seating
Recognition as Patron on Website and Newsletter
Diplomat $300
Individual / Family / Student membership benefits
Invitation to attend Sister City International Annual Conference
Preferred Event Seating
Recognition as Diplomat on Website and Newsletter
Corporate $500
Patron Membership Benefits
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