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Alamos Artists’ Work Exhibited at the Mexican Consulate in Phoenix

Thanks to the work of Katherine Callingham, Max Rumbaugh and Rocio Rodriguez from the Mexican Consulate, the Alamos Art exhibit was a success. This was the second of a two-part culture exchange. In March, Doc Jones organized a jazz festival in Alamos. In April an art exhibit from Alamos was held in the Phoenix area.

The exhibit included the works of nine individual Alamos artists plus two artisan groups, which were shown in the third-floor gallery of the Mexican Consulate, 320 E. McDowell, Phoenix. Approximately 50 guests enjoyed the reception on Thursday, April 25. Three Alamos artists were able to attend the reception and a number of art pieces were sold. Several museum and gallery representatives viewed the Alamos art, which will help promote the local artists of Alamos.


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