Scottsdale Sister Cities Association proudly presents "Art of Uasin Gishu, Kenya" featuring images from working artists of Eldoret and other areas of Uasin Gishu County, Scottsdale's sister city. Several wonderful samples of student art are included from the Moi Girls High School. The show runs Oct 16 through January 22, 2022. The exhibit's opening Art Reception was held on October 16, 2021, at Scottsdale Public Library, Mustang Branch.
. Some of the Kenyan artists were able to join in via Zoom, though it was midnight in Uasin Gishu. George Hartz presented a slide show about Scottsdale's sister city relationship with Uasin Gishu. SSCA also recognized Kenya's Mashujaa Day national holiday, which falls on October 20th. Mashujaa is Swahili for "heroes", and this is one of Kenya's most important national holidays - honoring the heroes of their fight for independence.
This exhibition is a collaborative effort by the Scottsdale Sister Cities Association, Scottsdale Artists’ School, sister city Uasin Gishu, and Scottsdale Public Library, Mustang Branch.

All are welcome to view the exhibit at Scottsdale Public Library, Mustang Branch. The show is located in two separate sections: the Front Lobby and the Family Area; on exhibit through January 22, 2022.