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Scottsdale-Interlaken Exchange Returns for 2023-24

We are pleased to announce that 12 Scottsdale students from all five SUSD high schools have been paired with 12 Swiss hosts for our 2023-2024 exchange. Our last exchange was 2018-2019, pre-Covid, so we are excited to see it revived. André Nobs, English teacher, and Birgit Thorenz, science teacher, will be the adult chaperones again. Pairings were made at the first meeting on April 2, 2023. Zosha and Warren Darnell, Arcadia, Albert Keller, Coronado, and Lisa White, SSCA, will chaperone.

The Swiss will arrive on September 24 and leave on October 6, 2023 so will be here for about 13 days. The Interlaken Committee will begin meeting to plan their activities, which will include a few days at school with their hosts and a trip to the Grand Canyon.

A field trip request will be made in July or August during the next fiscal school year. Tax credits are requested for 2022 and 2023 to help students pay for the field trip. Online, this can be done at Coronado, Arcadia and DMHS, by choosing International Club on the drop down menu for each school. . Tax credits for 2022 can be made up to tax filing day, April 18, 2023. Once the field trip is approved, tax credits can also be accepted at Saguaro and Chaparral. The Arizona Swiss Society is helping support this Swiss student visit.

Photo caption: Scottsdale-Interlaken exchange students from 2018-19.


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